Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Growing up in foster care kids never grow to understand the phrase, â€Å"Home is where the heart is. † This phrase isn’t making reference to a house or a tangible item in your life. An emotional connection you have with someone or something is what I believe home represents. The feeling of being secure, knowing you’ll be taken care of no mater what you say or do, and always feeling like your loved and wanted. Hundreds of kids have grown accustomed to the feeling of hopelessness and loneliness. Kids have grown accustomed to feeling like they don’t belong anywhere; I was once one of those kids. I remember the bone-chilling feeling of seeing the black almost hearse-like car coming to take me away from the only place I was familiar with. I remember the feeling of confusion, the feeling of sorrow, and the feeling of anger. I remember getting into the car and smelling the old, damp, mildewed scent of previous the rider’s tears. The tears I had grown so accustomed to. I remembered how I wished to scream and squeal, like the brakes, when the car stopped at my new quarters. I remember telling myself, â€Å"Don’t get comfortable Josh, because you won’t be here long, right? I’ll be home soon. Right? † I remember the feeling of being abandoned, the feeling of being unwanted, feeling just plain alone. Throughout my years as a foster child and adolescent, I moved in and out of countless houses, met and said goodbye to countless families, friends, and teachers. I remember the Bensons; they took me in when I was seven. I had already been moved around eight times. The first thing they said to me was, â€Å"It’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry anymore, you’ll be here for a long time. The weight of uncertainty lifting off your shoulders is a good feeling; in fact, it could be the best. Being able to take off your shoes, plunge down on the couch, and say hello to someone who says hello back. Having the ability to look someone in the eyes and, not only feel, but here, â€Å"I love you. † Home to me is all of those things tied together and put in my back pocket, saved for a rainy day. I grew comfortable and unworried the two years I didn’t have to pack around any extra weight with me. It was presentation day, in my third grade class. For my presentation I chose an animal, the cheetah. Did you know that a family of cheetahs will stay together until the babies are all grown up, and will support each other? † I gave my presentation and was feeling good about it. I was chosen to hold our class pet, the gerbil, he was brown and smelled almost exactly like an old crusty sock, I was overtaken by the joy of his warm pulsing body. My class and I were sitting in a circle around my teacher, listening to our daily reading of the second Harry Potter, when the door opened and the sound of my teachers voice was cut short of telling us what happened next. Two gloomy adults came in, a man and a woman. The man was tall, dressed in nice black slacks and a black sports jacket, the woman was short, dressed in black dress pants and a red sweater which had thirteen black buttons straight down the front. My teacher excused herself and met them at the front of the class. My friend and I started laughing at the gerbil; he was doing summersaults on my lap and almost fell off. â€Å"Josh,† my teacher called my name, â€Å"Come up here please,† I gave the gerbil to my friend and went to the front of the class. As I was walking to the front of the class, I noticed my teacher’s eyes; they seemed to be turning a glossy color, almost like two wet marbles shimmering in the bright sun. The two people dressed in black were smiling down at me with blank expressionless looks on there faces and said â€Å"hello. † Their words were cold and harsh. I noticed a sharp fast glare, almost like needles, injected from my teacher to the two people dressed in black. My teacher knelt down to my level so we were both eye to eye. She stared at me with her big marbles and said, â€Å"Josh, these people are going to take you out to lunch. You need to go with them, OK Josh. † My teacher’s eyes were getting wetter, â€Å"You need to be a big boy, OK Josh. You be a big boy now. † Before I knew it, she had engulfed me into her chest, wrapped me neatly into her arms, and covered my head with her chin. Warmth and love surged through my body as if I was hit by a bolt of lightning cupid had mistaken for an arrow. I felt a warm drop of water hit my head. â€Å"OK Josh, it is time to go,† said the large man dressed in black. I felt his cold hand grab my shoulder, abruptly stopping the lightning from continuing through my body, forcing it out of me. My teacher released me, stood back to her full height, and pricked them agin with her needle. The woman dressed in black took my hand; her hand felt like an ice cube, cold and damp. The man and woman led me away from my teacher, away from my friends, away from my security, away from my love, away from my peace. As soon as I got into the lifeless car, all of the lost feelings returned to me at once. â€Å"It’s happened again. What’s wrong this time? Was it me? Maybe I can take whatever I did back and say I’m sorry? † â€Å"Josh, we’re taking you to another house. An enormous weight hit my chest; I couldn’t breathe, I felt my eyes swelling, my nose began to run. A salty liquid hit my mouth again and again, my memories flooding out, like millions of bees swarming and stinging after their homes have been breached by smoke, engulfing me. Just as I had felt for years and years kids are still felling today. Kids still feel unwanted and unloved, kids still don’t have the consistency and trust they need to become who they are and construct their home, and kids still have the lay their head down every night and wonder if the pillow their laying on will be the same tomorrow night. Kids in foster care may have a house but they don’t have anyone they can make a home with. People in the foster system are so concerned with is putting kids in houses (not saying that this is a bad thing), but they should focus more on the home. Instead of being full of emptiness the kid’s homes that they create, should be full of trust and security, truthfulness and consistency, laughter and love.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“What Factors Contribute to Infant Mortality in Developed and Less Developed Countries?”

â€Å"What factors contribute to infant mortality in developed and less developed countries? † â€Å"Infant mortality is the number of deaths among live-born infants from birth to under age one† (Sidscenter. org, n. d. ). According to a National Vital Statistics Report in 2006, the leading causes of Infant Mortality in the U. S. were deformities, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, maternal complications, unintentional injuries, respiratory distress of the newborn, bacterial sepsis, neonatal haemorrhage and diseases of the circulatory system (Heron, M. P. , Murphy, S. L. , Xu, J. Q. , Kochanek, K. D. , & Tejada-Vera, B. , 2006). Studies show that in less developed countries around the world some factors contributing to infant mortality are economic development, level of educational attainment, level of female educational attainment and level of expenditure on public health (Nobles, J. , Shandra, J. M. , & London, B. , 2003). In underdeveloped countries around the world, many actions need to be taken to decrease the infant mortality rate. Because of low female education about pregnancy, unlike in developed nations, women are not aware of the importance of breastfeeding in the first six months of a newborn’s life, vital antibodies are given to the child through breastfeeding. Babies in underdeveloped countries who are supplemented with tap water are at risk of infection because of contamination due to the lack of sanitation systems, this means children can die from infection, or, more commonly, dehydration from diarrhoea. In countries with malaria carrying mosquitos and other disease carrying insects, the use of insecticide sprayed sleeping nets is available, but due to low income, the cost of these nets, around five dollars, is a large percentage of many people’s gross incomes (Balbierz, A. N. n. d. ). â€Å"The goal of these nets is the protection of sleeping infants from contractile diseases† (Balbierz, A. N. n. d. ). Vaccination is another important way to prevent disease and therefore, infant mortality. UNICEF developed a network of vaccine refrigerators and trained health care workers that were strategically placed in disease stricken areas of developing countries. † (Peck, P. , 2003). Nutrition for all people as well as mothers and infants needs to be addressed in these underdeveloped nations, prenatal and postnatal care, vaccination and health promotion would all help in reducing the infant mortality rate in many countries around the orld, as well as increasing the health a nd quality for life for all the people in these countries (Peck, P. , 2003). The Academy for Educational Development, AED, is an organization that is working hard to make infant mortality rates decrease, â€Å"each day 80 newborns die in Mali, every three hours a woman in Mali dies due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth† (Academy for Educational Development [AED], 2004). The AED has created a team of 20 people; including a mid-wife, paediatrician, statistician, economist, sociologist, and educator; these people have â€Å"reviewed both local and international surveys, studies, and reports to estimate the cost of inadequate maternal and newborn health services in terms of the number of lives lost and the economic impact on their country† (AED, 2004). Two ways this team of professionals plans to address infant mortality in Mali is by the ‘Reduce’ and ‘Alive’ approaches. The ‘Reduce’ strategy will look at mothers not seeking help in time, not being able to reach health care services due to lack of transportation, and the delay of help when they do reach hospitals or clinics. The ‘Alive’ strategy will look at the cleanliness of the delivery and the cutting of the umbilical cord, the wrapping of the baby in blankets and the cleaning of the baby after delivery, and breastfeeding lessons soon after birth. Breastfeeding is one of the most important factors in this strategy, especially because of the Colostrum which is produced in the mother’s mammary glands which helps build the infants immunity. Income, education and medical care are key factors in the infant mortality rate in underdeveloped countries, as well as community influence and its social and economic wellbeing, an infant needs support from family, community and the government to ensure infant survival (Buckely, K. A. , Koontz, A. M. , & Casey, S. , 1998). Infant mortality in developed countries is declining in recent years, in Australia the Infant Mortality Rate is higher due to the deaths among Indigenous infants. The decrease in the amount of deaths is largely due to improvements in social public health conditions, immunisation, and antibiotics. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been reduced due to the education of mothers in wrapping their children tightly and placing them on their back or side when sleeping (New South Wales Department of Health, 2008). The main causes of Infant Mortality in developed countries is eformities that develop during the growth of the foetus in the womb, disorders developed due to premature births and low birth weights, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, maternal complications during pregnancy, and respiratory distress in a newborn (International Medical News Group, 2004). Unlike in underdeveloped countries, lack of education and poverty is not as much of a prevalent cause for the death of infants, developed c ountries also have less exposure to diseases, especially ones carried by insects etc. However, when we look at the highest Infant Mortality Rates around the world, and discover that they are highest in poor and underdeveloped countries, we cannot assume its causes are only present in here. For example: the Indigenous people of Australia have higher Infant deaths because they are not educated as well as caucasian citizens, their involvement in the education system is often small and their socio-economic status is often low (Richer, K. , Godfrey, J. , Partington, G. , Harslett, M. , & Harrison, B. , 1998). All around the world developed countries have ghettos or poor areas, and in these areas similar conditions could be causes of Infant Mortality like in underdeveloped nations. Infant Mortality cannot be eliminated, but it can be combated and reduced significantly worldwide. Public Health issues are highly affected by poverty, to which there is no solution. Even though poverty does make the Infant Mortality Rate a lot higher, it does not mean the mortality rate discriminates to one class of people either. Infant Mortality is found in all income levels, urban and rural areas, in all countries all over the world. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine said that â€Å"a lack of health insurance coverage causes 18,000 unnecessary deaths per year† (James, J. S. , 2010) in the U. S. alone. This could be reduced significantly, and with volunteers and international cooperation, Infant Mortality Rates can be reduced. BIBLIOGRAPHY Academy for Educational Development. AED Advocacy Models Help Combat Infant and Maternal Mortality. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aed. org/News/Stories/reduce-and-alive. cfm Balbierz, A. N. (n. d. ). Infant Mortality. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. cwru. du/med/epidbio/mphp439/Infant_Mortality. htm Buckely, K. A. , Koontz, A. M. , & Casey, S. (1998). Fetal and Immortality Review. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. acog. org/departments/dept_notice. cfm? recno=10&bulletin=4752 Heron, M. P. , Murphy, S. L. , Xu, J. Q. , Kochanek, K. D. , & Tejada-Vera, B. Deaths: Final data for 2006. National Vital Statistics Reports, 57(14). International Medical News Group. (2004). Top five causes for infant mortality. OB/GYN News. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0CYD/is_10_39/ai_n6078883/ James, J. S. (2010). Institute of Medicine Calls for Universal Health Insurance by 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aidsnews. org/2004/01/IOM. html National Sudden and Unexpected Infant/Child Death & Pregnancy Loss Resource Center. Definitions. Retrieved March 28, 2010, from http://www. sidscenter. org/definitions. html New South Wales Department of Health. (2008). International rankings of infant mortality. Sydney: Report of the Chief Health Officer. Nobles, J. , Shandra, J. M. , & London, B. (2003). â€Å"Dependency, Democracy, Education, and Infant Mortality: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis of Less Developed Countries†. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA Online . 2009-05-26 from http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p107575_index. html Peck, P. (2003). 11 Million Forgotten Children. Retrieved March, 29, 2010, from http://www. countercurrents. org/archive02-01150703. htm Richer, K. , Godfrey, J. , Partington, G. , Harslett, M. , Harrison, B. (1998). Attitudes of Aboriginal students to further education. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aare. edu. au/98pap/ric98095. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Art Tatum

Ohio, he was destined for revolutionize Jazz. He was born with a blind eye and the other partially blind, but his ears were his way of seeing the world. He could sit down and play the same music meant for four hands. He was unbeatable at any piano competition. His influence on jazz will be forever respected by Jazz pianists (and non-pianists) worldwide. As a child, Art received a little formal training for piano at Toledo School of Music, but he mainly just taught himself.By the age of 18, he was already playing for radio redcoats and even had his own show at one point. By age 24, he wrote and released Tiger Rag, a song fully equipped with fast beats, Incredibly technical rhythms, and the need for skill. As he continued in his musical career, his articulation, style, and individuality only got better. Art changed the entire face of jazz music. He helped lead the next generation into the bebop era. He was the musician that started to change the chord progressions, fingered with the harmonics, and tried new Inversions of different chords (to get a more Jazzy sound).Datum was able to use his classical background and his Jazzy style to create his own type of music. It was technical and complex, but still full of the freestyle that jazz so easily expresses. He used his left-handedness to create extreme bass parts and his right hand to create beautiful runs up and down the entire piano. Art had incredible ears. Although he was nearly blind in one eye and completely blind In the other, he could see perfectly when it came to music. It was said that Datum could find the dominant note in a flushing toilet. He had Incredible pitch, so e knew exactly which notes would sound perfect with the others.In regard to his piano, they called him, God because he was so good. Datum never stopped playing piano. It was his life. As one man said, Datum played so brilliantly and so much. .. That I thought the piano was goanna break. My mother left the room So I said Whats wrong, Mama? And she said Oh, that man plays too much piano. Even extremely critical people would compliment him for his piano skills. Whenever he ever entered a competition for Plano, he never lost. Arts style of music was not the impel, easy music that anybody could play.HIS technique was mastered. He had the most intricate ornamentation in every line of a song he played. Not only that, but he didnt even seem like he was trying. As he pounded away at the keys, it didnt seem like pounding but more floating. It seemed so effortless to him. Hank Jones said, When I finally met him and got a chance to hear him play in person, It seemed as if he wasnt really exerting much effort, he had an effortless way of playing. It was deceptive. Youd watch him and you couldnt believe what was coming out, what was reaching your ears.

How an iPod works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How an iPod works - Essay Example You want to know more about this Ipod, but are overwhelmed by the technical jargon of MP3 and DMZ protocol. Yet, under that veil of secrecy lies a simple device that requires only a simple understanding. The Ipod is a three-step process of getting an input, looking for some human interface, and giving an output. Long before you listen to a song on your Ipod, a studio somewhere on the West Coast had disassembled the song and broken into small pieces waiting to be purchased. They take these pieces and squeeze them down and compress them into small packets called the MP3 format. When you order this song it is quickly thrown into a delivery system called a download. The packets come through the Internet, into your computer, out to your Ipod, and are stored in a box called memory. The squeezed packets, under great pressure, will sit and wait until their next calling. The song that was broken up only moments ago has buried itself deep within your machine through a step called input. The input sits in the box and waits for the human interface. In the world of Ipod, the output is the small brain, the human is the big brain, and the input is no brain at all. Here in the 2nd step the Ipod waits for human control. The big brain kicks in and presses the right buttons, it locates the mood, and navigates to the proper memory box. The big brain sets the tone, volume, and play list.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Shortcomings of GDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shortcomings of GDP - Essay Example It only sums up the outputs of production and does not include intermediary goods and those consumed households (Tyson and Lund 2014). As a result, it does not measure the social welfare and their lifestyles. A country may have high GDPs annually, but there are still cases of increased poverty among its citizens. Additionally, GDP does not include incomes from black markets and other nonmarket activities that are sources of employments and better economic welfares. Lack of including economic activities that directly contribute to an individuals welfare has become a major setback especially in the United States (Tyson and Lund 2014). GDP includes gross incomes and does not account for economic factors such as depreciating capital stocks. On the other hand, solutions have been introduced to modify GDP as a measure of economic welfare. They include the introduction of indexes in the environmental and personal welfare sectors. The Human Development Index (HDI) and Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) have been introduced to provide for omissions that the GDP does not cater for in the economy. Since GDP does not account for social welfare, the HDI can be used as a measure of individual qualities of life and later be included in the GDPs final tally. GDP can also be modified by including other measures of income such as the Gross National

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Tower of Pisa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Tower of Pisa - Assignment Example Originally, it was believed that the famous ancient architecture and designer, Bonanno Pisano, was responsible for it. However, recent discoveries and deep studies tend to point at Diotisalvi as the true designer. This has been attributed to the fact that it was him who is responsible for other bell towers located across the city and the country at large. However, this belief seems to be countered by the fact that the structure does not bear Diotisalvi’s signature, something that is common in all towers designed by him. The tower took approximately two-three hundred years to be completed (Harris, Nd, pp. 1-3). The initial construction of the â€Å"tower of Pisa† began in 1173 AD, â€Å"after Donna Berta Di Bernardo, a widow resident of Pisa, donated sixty silver coins towards the local cathedral, to be used in the construction of a new bell tower base† (Soniak, 2011, p. 1). The construction work got underway, after the perfect location for the tower had been identified. It is worth taking note that the initial intention behind the building of this tower wasn’t for it to be tilted as it is structured today. The designers had intended for a perfectly vertical bell tower, but due to unforeseen circumstances, a terrible mistakeperhaps, the tower lives to be one of the most celebrated monuments in history. (Palestro, Nd, p. 1) During the construction of the tower, white marble stones were used as the main construction materials. These marbel stones were quarried from the mountains around the city of Pisa, and where transported to the site by the local citizens, who were the main source of labor for the construction (Krystek, 2012, p. 1). However, upon completion of its third floor in 1178, problems began to emerge. The constructors realized that the structure was slightly leaning towards the North West at an angle of 0.2 degrees. This was due

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business - Essay Example From the very beginning of transport industry development, there was a need to regulate this sphere of human activity. There is a necessity to develop new regulations in transport industry covering peculiarities of a modern society’s development. Therefore, the government is responsible for regulations in transport industry, because it is an integral part of any society. Public interests are protected under conditions of governmental regulations of transport industry. In case development of transport industry is protected by economical regulations and governmental protection, then public interest is in safety. Modern transport regulations are developed with regard to economical factors. Unfortunately, there is a lack of considerations about social and environmental factors. Consequently, it is necessary to consider properly about environmentally health vehicles development and exploitation. There is a direct connection between transport environmental safety and human health. M odern manufacturers often neglect this fact and their main goal is to gain profits hand over fist. This point should be corrected and regulated in favor of humans and public interest. A modern look on regulation in transport industry Regulation is developed in order to â€Å"balance concerns for the public interest within a competitive framework driven by private enterprise† (Coyle, 20011). ... is put on a truck at some point. As a result, the trucking industry hauled 68.9% of all the tons of freight transported in the United States in 2003, equating to 9.1 billion tons† (The trucking industry). If to suppose that all regulations are based on a common law principle: â€Å"Businesses affected with the public interest† (Coyle, 2011), then a central focus on societal and individual needs should prevail. Thus, a modern paradigm of transport industry regulations is anthropocentric and focused on public interest. In spite of the fact that there are numerous regulations in transport industry, such as Aviation and Transportation Security Act (2001), Creates Transportation Security Agency (TSA), Maritime Transportation Security Act (2002), Homeland Security Act of 2002 etc, there is a need to focus on deregulation acts. There is such kind of deregulation acts, as 4R Act (1976), Airline Deregulation Act (1977), Motor Carrier Act and Staggers Rail Act (1980) and others. T hus, economic regulations are violated in trucking industry. Surface Transportation Board (STB) is responsible for all surface mode regulation. Nevertheless, railroads are deregulated as well as air carrier industry, water carriers and pipelines. In order to protect public interests, there is a need to introduce anti-trust laws. In the transportation industry there is especially important social factor. Transportation industry is significant for social unity and economic and national defense of the country is on behalf of this industry. Transportation industry requires essential capital investments and different resources allocation (Martland, 1997). STB regulation of modes considers the following issue: to protect advantage of each mode. The development of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Assignment- Critical Thinking - Basic Concepts of Quantitative Assignment

Case - Critical Thinking - Basic Concepts of Quantitative Reasoning; Hypothesis Formulation - Assignment Example This enabled the researchers to collect close ended data, which are easily analyzed by use of quantitative software (Biggs, 1987). The results turned out that in terms of demographic differences, there were no significant differences between dropouts and persistent learners. The area of differentiation was however with regards to perception of family and organizational support where it was determined that persistent group displayed higher perception. The findings conclude that as far as online learning is concerned, external factors that has to do with the kind of support a learner gets influence the rate of completion of course than internal and demographic factors. The organization of the study made it highly easier to follow and understand (Osborn, 2001). The study was also self explanatory and did not contain any technicalities that are difficult to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fight Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fight Club - Essay Example The story is a distortion of core US obsession culture of consumerism, therapy and violence because the movie initially offers fighting as remedy and male bonding exercise in hope to re-masculine men castrated by consumerism. The understanding in the movie never seeks to resolve personal dissatisfaction within the public sphere; but rather suggests that organization is feasible via private and violent expressions. However, the brilliant representation of violent acts in the disruptive way offers a way of inciting discourse regarding gender identity and violence, which leaves space for public discussion. The movie tends to open this space, regardless of its critique because violence offers a way of analyzing culture dictated by consumerism and commercialization and showing the challenges associated with normal gender relations. Hence, fight club seems to be a necessary way of discussing the gender identity and the generation of white masculinity. The fight club presents the discipline of violence as a therapy for masculine powerlessness and such a discipline prepares a man for pain essential to contest social power in job, relationship and conceivably in the large socio-political arena. The cleverness in the movie leaves one with the feeling of powerless and insensitive as the movies plays with serious problems within the society; even though, it does not offer any resolution. The movie tweaks the discourse because qualities of discarded objects are significantly brought to life in the film as they are animated in the relation between use of value and exchange of value. However, the movie illustrates capitalism by the struggle within domains of use and exchange and defends the use of value and exchange of value in a manner consistent with moderate defense of capitalism. At its best the boxing movie offers suffering as a way of attaining insight instead of endorsing pain as an avenue of power and appropriates conflict within the movie. The value of the movie lies in its power to stir people and force them to contemplate their own lives in a crucial way and then decide if the individuals have chosen reasonable option to undergo change. Although, the movie does not offer answers, which remains the single reason the movie is disdained, the movie aims at evoking the right concerns and motivating the people to act. Fight club offers a contemporary emotional wasteland and ridicules people fledging attempts to cope exemplified when Jack wakes while on business flight and meets Tyler, who offers a different solution that involved blowing out apartment, learning to strike and taking a hard punch and relishing the pain. In the movie, boxing translates to pain, which is essential in liberation because the movie advocates that through willingness to embrace suffering, one can overcome fear and exercise power that would culminate in resurrection of one’s masculinity. Members of the club engage in knock down aimed at making individuals feel good t hrough fist fights and the club soon attracts disciples who consider Tyler to be their leader. Tyler take the mission of urging followers to reclaim masculinity through renouncing possessions, stale routines and comforts by expressing their rage through bloody, bare-knuckle fistfights. The movie’s triumph is paradoxical because one overcomes powerlessness through channeling anger in bare-knuckle fights that regenerate the psyche while battering the body. Hence, power in the movie arises from self-immolation because at night the desire to hit and be hit

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Statement of Purpose for university Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statement of Purpose for university - Essay Example I took the Nemune Dolati junior high school examination at the tender age of 11 years. At the age of 11 and 14 years, I obtained the first rank among all the primary and junior high school students in the painting competition of the province. I had always been keenly interested in industrial design, and this developed into a passion by the time I reached high school. Accordingly, I selected mathematics and physics at high school, in order to obtain a firm grounding in the fundamentals of industrial design. In the nationwide entrance examination of state universities, I stood 1,058 out of the 150,000 total participants. This enabled me to gain admission to the Islamic Art University of [city], which constitutes one of the most prestigious art universities of Iran. The extensive nature of the syllabus of the undergraduate studies undertaken by me at the Islamic Art University of [city], served to provide me with a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of industrial design. In addition, I obtained a strong conceptual understanding of these core areas. During the course of my undergraduate studies, I attended a number of workshops. Some of these had involved working with wood, metal, and plastics. To my great fortune, the Islamic University of [city] has been blessed with state of the art workshops. Moreover, these workshops have been supervised by highly skilled and experienced professors. This exposure rendered me conversant with the rudiments of craftwork and design. Due to my keenness to learn, I completed most of the projects stipulated by my professors. This raised my esteem with them, and they rewarded my perseverance by making me a teaching assistant for the Creativity course. This course had been prescribed for the students of the Industrial Design Department, and was for a duration of four semesters. During my last semester of study, I commenced to assist the Leather Design group in my university, as it was my intention to set up

Dubliners is essentially a collection Essay Example for Free

Dubliners is essentially a collection Essay James Augustine Aloysius Joyce was a writer and a poet, born on February 2nd 1882. He is widely considered as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. James lived in Dublin and was the eldest of a family of ten. James father and mother were devoted Irish Catholics. His father, John was known for spending large sums of money and drinking a lot of alcohol. This made it difficult for the Joyce family to retain social standings. James expressed his difficult childhood in his writing. E. g. In the story of Eveline, Eveline has to deal with a drunken father and living on little income. James went to Clongowes School in 1888, which was a Jesuit institution. He then went on to Belvedere College where he decided to enter the priesthood, which pleased his religious parents. After getting in contact with members of the Irish Literary Renaissance, he became bored with the idea. Soon he became critical of Ireland and its religion. In 1902, Joyce decided to leave Ireland and pursue a medical career in France. Joyce did not return to Ireland until the death of his mother. James then took up residence in Paris, where he began to write. In 1905, Joyce produced his first book, Dubliners, but it was not published until 1913. During this time, he met an Irish woman called Nora Barnacle. They did not marry, but had two children. All in all Joyce wrote a total of four books, A portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, Finnegans Wake and of course Dubliners. James Joyce died from a stomach ulcer aged 58 in 1941. After Joyces death, people became interested in his work. Even today, Ulysses stands as the distinctive text of the Anglo-American modernist movement marking Joyces creative genius and premier abilities as a stylist of the English language. I think that the statement Dubliners is essentially a collection of tales depicting trapped characters, thwarted ambitions and wasted opportunities is accurate, but I also think that there is a lot more that contributes to make up Dubliners. There are eight main themes in this novel. The first and foremost theme is the stages of life. Joyce writes the eight tales that make up Dubliners in order of age. He begins with younger characters and continues with tales based on gradually older protagonists. The next theme involves poverty and class difference. The author sees mostly only the negative part of Dublin and its people. A lot of the characters in the tales are lower or middle class. Another theme is alcoholism. Joyce merges alcoholism with thwarted ambitions. Irish politics and colonisation is a recurring topic. Ivy in the Committee Room is a tale in Dubliners that is nearly completely committed to this theme. The fourth theme is longing for escape (or trapped characters). The author was obsessed with the liberating feeling of fleeing Ireland and he applies this obsession to many of the characters in Dubliners. Another subject is defeat, imprisonment and paralysis. Due to Dublins defeated status, Joyce makes it clear that many of the characters feel trapped and are not able to leave Ireland. This theme is closely related to Isolation. Many characters are lonely and a lot of miscommunication occurs. Death or Mortality is the final theme in Dubliners. It is a natural theme of Joyces life structure. All eight of Joyces tales that make up the novel are packed full of these themes. I have chosen to analyse An Encounter, Araby, Eveline and The Dead. An Encounter is about two young boys who long for escape from school life. They play hooky and wonder around some of Dublins poorer areas, finally across a very strange man, who my have some dark intensions. One of the main themes this tale is longing to escape. The boys play cowboys and Indians that is a symbol that they want to leave the tiny world of Dublin. The story starts with talk about the American frontier, which is a symbol for freedom and adventure. The boys walk around the poorer areas of Dublin, which addresses poverty. The main characters in this tale are in their boyhood, which means that they are too young to leave Ireland. They plan to reach the pigeon house as a final destination, but due to their tired legs, they forget the idea. This becomes a thwarted ambition. Isolation and miscommunication is a reoccurring theme in An Encounter. When the boys meet the strange man, they do not recognise the danger of him. Araby is a short story about a boy from a poor family, who hopes to win over a girls affection by buying her a gift from a bazaar. When he goes to the bazaar, he finds nothing but frustration because they are about to close. The main themes that the story explores are defeat, alcoholism, isolation and paralysis. As the boy waits his uncles return from the pub, so that he can go to the bazaar, the reader feels fear of defeat building. There are lots of hurdles the boy has to overcome to get to the bazaar before closing time. His fear of defeat and isolation increases even more when he finds that many of the items are too expensive (this highlights poverty). Paralysis is felt when he has no idea what is going to become of his relationship with the girl. The difficulty at the bazaar is a symbol of the difficulty there is in the adult world, in which the boy cannot navigate. This story is similar to the point in Joyces life when he had just begun to establish his life as an adult, coping with fear of poverty, isolation and longing to escape. Eveline is a story about a nineteen-year-old girl. The main character Eveline, escape is through a sailor called Frank, who offers her a new life in Buenos Aires. At the end of the tale she is too frightened to leave Dublin. Like An Encounter, Eveline focuses on the theme of escape. While the young boys in the previous stories are two young to leave Ireland or escape from their poverty, Eveline is old enough and has been given a chance to leave. Though, in the end she does not take it. Poverty is an important theme in Eveline. Joyce describes in great detail the terrible poverty and the pressure of Evelines situation. Isolation appears: Eveline is a lonely character. She looks after her father who abuses her. She dedicates her whole life to looking after her family yet she has no one to talk to or express her feelings with. This results in her personality being trapped and controlled by others. Paralysis is a main theme in this story. At the end Eveline finds herself unable to move forward. She does not have the strength to leave her oppressive situation and leave Ireland for good. You get the feeling that half of Eveline wants to leave but the other will not leave her family. She will probably have a dismal future that may end in the same fate as her mother (death). This is a wasted opportunity. The Dead is the last story in the novel. It is about a holiday season dance where Aunt Julia and Aunt Kate entertain a wide range of guests. Among them is their nephew Gabriel, who makes a speech honouring his aunts. Later that night, Gabriel finds himself swept away with passion for his wife Gretta. However, when they return to their hotel room, he finds that she is thinking about her first love, Michael Furey who died for her. Many themes are touched on in The Dead. At the dinner party, you see a hint of poverty in the character of Lily, whose family is poor. The reader sees political divisions in Ireland in the conversation between Gabriel and Miss Ivors. There is also criticism of the church Aunt Kate speaks about the discrimination of the pope to exclude woman from church choirs. Difference in class appears when Gabriel thinks that his speech may be too cast for his audience. Irish politics comes up again in the tale. Miss Ivors accuses Gabriel of being disloyal to Ireland. The theme of isolation and miscommunication comes most strongly after the party, when Gabriel spends the whole journey thinking about some of the good times he had with his wife. Gretta is thinking near the exact opposite. She is thinking of the love that she had with Michael Furey in her girlhood. The result, after Gretta telling Gabriel about her first lover, is Gabriel admitting to himself that he had never felt so strong for a woman, that her would die for her, as Michael Furey did. One of the key themes in The Dead is mortality (beginning with the title). The story is set in winter, which is the season of death. The old aunts in their old house symbolises death not being far away. Gabriel thinks that he will be back at the house soon for the aunts funerals. The major part of mortality is the death of Grettas first love. The separation of the dead becomes a separation for the living. Joyce joins the themes of mortality and isolation together. Gabriel feels like he is already dead although he is just living in isolation. I strongly agree that Dubliners is a collection of tales with trapped characters, thwarted ambitions and wasted opportunities. In the stories that I have discussed, I have attempted to highlight these areas. In each of the stories however, I do feel that Eveline reflects these themes most strongly. The main character in Eveline seems trapped because of her familys dependency on her. She harbours ambitions of going to Argentina and wastes the opportunities of love, wealth, happiness and a new beginning. In Araby, the main character appears trapped due to poverty. He is too young to do anything about this. The main characters ambition is to buy a gift for a girl that he is fond of. He wastes an opportunity to build a relationship with the girl. An Encounter has a similar theme with trapped characters with that the characters are trapped by youth. The boys did not reach their ambition to get to the pigeon house. The boys had an opportunity to get away from the strange old man but they wasted it. In The Dead, there is emphasis on wasted opportunities, the main one being Michael Furey dying for Gretta and characters approaching death.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Essay All typical detective stories have features in common. They all contain a detective, also the stories contain a crime and a criminal, also in typical detective stories the criminal usually has a motive. Another detail in a murder story is: the detective always begins an investigation and this leads to the discovery of the criminal.  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes were set and written in Victorian England by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles is about a big black vicious hound that is haunting the Baskerville Family and after the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville; the legend of the hound was revived. A man goes to tell Holmes and Watson. Holmes and Watson take up the case. The Speckled Band is about a woman who tells Holmes that her sister has died. The woman thinks its her stepfather, Dr Roylott. She believes that he has killed her for her inheritance  The Man With The Twisted Lip is about a woman who sees her husband in a window of an opium den and goes in to see him but he isnt there. She asks Holmes to investigate.  Sherlock Holmes stories are unusual in that they are not written from the detectives point of view. It is written from Dr Watsons point of view. This means that the reader knows the events as they are happening and doesnt know what the detective is going to do next. This enhances the murder mystery quality because the reader wants to know what happens next and it builds suspense with the reader Typical Sherlock Holmes crime settings are normally dark, damp and gloomy places. These are normally places such as dark alleyways and streets. Also big stately homes made to look like eerie haunted places. Another setting is out on the moors in Hound of the Baskervilles, the moors are foggy and it is usually raining.  The Manor House settings used in the Hound of the Baskervilles and The Speckled Band contain large portraits on the walls of large old rooms. They also contain old wooden doors that creak as they open and the doors lead into large open passageways. A large wall surrounds the whole manor and at the entrance were two large iron gates. This enhances tension because it makes the reader feel the tension that the characters are feeling and it places a picture of the setting in their mind. The moors around the manor house in Hound of the Baskervilles are foggy and mysterious, they are barren and inhospitable. They seem abandoned and lonely. The moors contain dangerous quicksand. This creates tension, by the reader knowing, that something spooky or dangerous is about to happen. The opium den in The Man with the Twisted Lip is dark, dank and smoky. There are bodies spread all over the floor in different positions. The untypical story is the Hound of the Baskervilles because its set out of London, on a moor whereas all of his other stories are set in homes or London. The criminals in Sherlock Holmes are not typical because they have obscure ways of doing things. We know that Dr Roylott has a criminal nature because he is aggressive and shows his strength when he comes to see Holmes. This quote shows Dr Roylott when he bends the poker in Holmes apartment He bent it into a curve with his huge brown hands. This shows his strength and aggressive nature. Another quote that shows how everyone became scared of him, because when ever he went out he either got into brawls or quarrelled with the locals. He became the terror of the village  We doubt Hugh Boone as a criminal because he doesnt really commit a crime, he was a man in lots of debt so he ran away and disguised himself as a beggar and started life again. Which suggests he is a proud man but not a criminal

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Indias Private Defence Companies

Indias Private Defence Companies Our endeavour must be to meet the twin imperatives of technological relevance and cost effective delivery. Given the expansion of our private sector, both in technical and financial terms, we are at the threshold of a future in which the private sector contributes to the national cause of high technology defence. There is need for a new institutional framework to involve the private sector, to ensure continuous dialogue as well as to provide incentives for risk taking. We should encourage substantial investment in production capabilities and also in defence related RDs.  [1]   Manmohan Singh, PM of India Introduction The history of involvement of private industry in defence production in India goes back to 1991  [2]  which was followed by government initiatives in 1998 to establish close interaction of MoD and services with the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). The constitution of Group of Ministers  [3]   committee tasked to examine the Kargil debacle, the policy reforms implemented by the government since 2001  [4]  and the constitution of Kelkar committee in 2004  [5]  , were primarily aimed at overhauling the acquisition process and promoting indigenous development to achieve 70% defence requirements from indigenous sources by 2010. The major fall out of these was the Defence Procurement Procedures, DPP 2002, DPP 2004, DPP 2006 and DPP 2008  [6]  . The dramatic differences between technologies used in commercial and military systems in the past have narrowed down with the changing pace of the scientific innovation in the commercial sector especially in the fields of nano-technology, robotics, computer simulation, and stealth technology. As a result, military organizations in developed countries have turned to commercial sector for dual-use technologies and new breakthrough scientific discoveries especially with the decline in the defence spending in post Cold-War era for reasons economic as well as political. Emerging Private Sector In the last two decades, the Private Sector has expanded immensely  [7]  with the DPSUs outsourcing more than 30% and OFs outsourcing 80%. The private sector can produce much more efficiently in a much less time frame and hence their role in Indian defence industry cannot be underestimated despite their constraints. Various private sector companies have ventured into the defence sector and have been issued license by the government. These companies have already taken up production of defence equipment by entering into joint venture (JV) with many foreign companies. Some of these are  [8]  :- Mahindra Mahindra Ltd, New Delhi. Larsen Toubro Ltd, Mumbai. Max Aerospace Aviation Ltd, Mumbai. HBL Power Systems Ltd, Hyderabad. Ramoss India, New Delhi. Tata Motors Ltd, Mumbai. Alpha Phazotron Radar Equipment Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore EADSs helicopter subsidiary Eurocopter is associated with HAL since 1962, manufacturing more than 600 Alouette 3 and Lama (known as Cheetah and Chetak locally) helicopters. EADS has plans to set up pilot training facilities in India for the civil and military segments and plans to invest $7-8 billion ($9.5-11 billion) over the next 10 years. In Nov 2009, Mahindra Group created Mahindra Defence Systems in India  [9]  which is a JV with BAE Systems. Mahindra Group has simultaneously acquired majority stakes in two Australian defence companies, Aerostaff Australia and Gippsland Aeronautics, signalling its entry into the defence and aerospace business. Tata has entered into JV with AgustaWestland to assemble the AW119 in India. Honeywell Aerospace  [10]  , which provides integrated avionics, engines, systems and service products for the aerospace industry, is one example. The US Company has a design and development centre in India that it hopes to expand in the coming years. Airbus has set up the Airbus Engineering Centre India in Bangalore where local engineers help develop capabilities in modelling and simulation, covering areas such as flight management systems and aerodynamics, to help in the design and production of aircraft such as the A380 and the A350. It is also working with Indian IT firms such as CADES, HCL, Infosys, Quest and Satyam to offer support across various aircraft programmes. India has an inherent edge over several other nations because of higher skills and lower costs of production. This makes India an ideal contender for joint ventures. HAL has entered into joint ventures with many overseas aviation system companies to undertake design and development of new systems in India. Some of these are the BaeHAL, HAL Edgewood, HELBIT etc. Many other software and hardware giants involved in the aviation hardware and software development especially in the embedded and real time system domain have also established their facilities in Bangalore. Some of these are GE Intelligent Systems, Honeywell, etc. Given their rapid growth over the last decade, it is perhaps no surprise that Indian software companies such as HCL, Infosys, Infotech, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro have been active in the aerospace industry for several years. Increasingly, they are benefiting from the engineering services outsourcing programmes. This will help India evolve from IT and low-end business process outsourcing work to high-end design services. Overseas companies view the Indian companies as long-term partners and not as mere suppliers/vendors  [11]  . Initiatives The initiatives undertaken by government towards promoting involvement of private sector industries towards high end defence requirements are:- Opening up of defence sector (in 2001) for 100% participation by Indian private sector and upto 26% FDI. Provision of the offset clause in DPP for any procurement from a foreign vendor beyond 300 crores. Introduction of a procurement clause Buy and Make (Indian).This clause is expected to create a positive impact on the private sector industry and could encourage formation of joint ventures or alliances for co-production with Indian companies. Issue of RFP to Indian private sector and the companies having a greater say in negotiations, in obtaining technology from foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) as well as in co-production. Sharing of information on long term perspective plan with the Indian industry and the involvement of the domestic industry in acquisition planning. Funding RD cost to the extent of 80 per cent by the Government. Non starters Inspite of the various measures taken, there has been no remarkable change in the current state of indigenisation. Only a few of Indias top private sector companies are involved in certain small value defence contracts. It needs to be realised that the goal of self reliance would remain a pipe dream if it is to be achieved by just banking on public sector alone. The involvement of private sector is mandatory to harness the best technology available and reduce imports. Considering the measures taken over the last two decades, India presently is far from achieving the indigenous figure of 70%. Equipment worth $50 billion has been bought from foreign suppliers in the last decade with the expenditure likely to touch $100 billion in the coming decade. The reasons to these are:- A number of defence-industry seminars, conferences and exhibitions have been held in the recent years but old mindsets, complex procurement procedures and clout wielded by the public sector have been acting as major deterrents to any meaningful participation of the private sector. Inspite of policy reforms of 2001, at the Defence-Expo 2010 the foreign defence majors were still lined up to display their wares. Hence, the efficacy of the initiatives of 26% FDI needs to be given a relook. While we trust foreign suppliers (essentially because there are few alternatives) governed as they are by their respective national laws that have in-built sanction mechanisms to restrict supplies in various situations, we have not extended the same trust quotient to Indian Industry. As on date the private sector is at a distinct disadvantage as against OFs and DPSUs. The OFs and DPSUs have a non-competitive edge, because of its close proximity to the MoD. In all deals under TOT, default agency that receives the benefit is always a DPSU, even if a private sector company is better placed in terms of know-how to absorb the technology and the available infrastructure. The private sector is also inhibited by technical limitations primarily due to its late entry into the defence industry and needs to institutionalise joint ventures with established foreign defence majors. However, the FDI cap of 26% is an impediment. Way Ahead The role of the Department of Defence Production thus needs to be drastically retooled to evaluate Indias requirements not in a public sector context but a larger India paradigm. Essentially the initiatives needed are:- De-licensing. The licensing system needs to be given a relook or done away with for manufacturing of defence equipment by private companies except for very critical products. Foreign Direct Investment. FDI limits should be enhanced to 49% for all defence production with sensitive content and in non-sensitive areas raised to 76 or even 100 per cent. This would obviate the need for government to defray 80 per cent of the RD costs. Private Equity Participation Government must seriously consider private equity participation in the defence-related public sector to unlock their potential and maximise returns on sovereign investment over the decades Developmental Partners. During development phase suitable industrial entities needs to be identified to participate in the activity as developmental partners. Limited Series Production (LSP). After joint development, the industry partners needs to be co-opted for execution of LSP that can meet the service requirement. Bulk Production Bulk of production needs to be outsourced to private players in a phased manner over several years. This could ease the problem of available OFs and DPSUs while at the same time utilise the resources available in these public establishments. Spin-offs The spin-offs from the defence technology need to be exploited in the commercial domain by effecting required repackaging/modification. Marketing. Scope also exists for industry to seek potential market for these products in India/Abroad with due approvals. Also the collaboration of private companies needs to be exploited for marketing of the products. Tax benefits. The government needs to provide a level playing field to private industry in terms of excise and custom exemptions for imports of certain components to be utilised in defence equipment. Promoting Interactions. DRDO has been actively promoting private industries participation in its entire gamut of activities by regularly interacting with the interested players as well as with organizations such as CII, FICCI, ASOCHAM. DRDO has organized several DRDO-Industry meets to appraise industry veterans about opportunities awaiting them in Defence RD. This would defineitely help in exploiting the available expertise in industry. Sponsored Research. Government needs to look into orient the fresh brains in the IITs, NITs and other educational institutions in India towards RD of the projects in hand as well as perspective projects. This can be taken up through Sponsored Research as well as industrial consultancy. Public Private Partnership. There is a need to promote public private partnership as the public sector has excellent infrastructure, manufacturing facilities and a highly experienced task force. It will be a waste of national resources if these assets are duplicated by the private sector. The private sector, on the other hand, can bring in latest technology, managerial practices, marketing skills and financial management. Therefore, a well-blended fusion of both will result in synergising of their strengths through economies of scale and prove mutually beneficial. Joint Ventures. The Brahmos project, which is the governmental level collaboration between the GOI (Bharat) and Russia (Moscow), is one good example of implementing organisational level change. The same needs to be followed up in other projects in pipeline.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

stars :: essays research papers

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How Irish History Affected Its Music :: essays research papers

Reilly 1 How Irish History Affects Its Music   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After seven hundred years of British rule, and many uprisings that ended in failure, Ireland had reached a breakthrough. This breakthrough had an affect on many different people, especially Irish musicians. The series of uprisings and wars that led to the freedom of most of Ireland developed a new form of Irish music; the rebel songs. On Easter Monday of 1916, the first shot of the Easter Uprising was fired. Six members of the Irish Citizen Army shot a policeman on the streets of Dublin in the head. This was the start of a new era, an era where Ireland would be free. Pearse, the Commander in chief of the Irish Citizen Army, and Connolly, the leader of the Dublin division, led the main body of troops through Dublin to the General Post Office. The G.P.A. became the rebels’ headquarters for the six-day battle against the British Army. There were heavy casualties on the British side, but the Irish were still unsuccessful. There statement was made though, and they surrendered on the following Sunday. Two thousand people were arrested that day, and the leaders Reilly 2 were put to death. Even though the original opinion of the people about the uprising wasn’t in favor of it, after the death of the leaders they were outraged. (Coogan,†Troubles† pgs. 19-25) In May of 1918 the remainder of the prisoners were released. The shadow government and the Irish Republican Army were established. Eamon DeVelera was the president of the shadow government, and Michael Collins and Harry Boland, his right hand men, are associated with the IRA’s establishment. The IRA performed many rebellious acts towards the British and any Irish spies that they hired. The British felt that something needed to be done but did not have the troops due to the First World War. To work around this they sent in a hand-picked elite group that were called the Black and Tans. An Irish spy that was giving information to the IRA in return for his life informed them of the Black and Tans addresses. They then went and killed many of them. This led to the British calling a truce. (Coogan,†Troubles†,pgs. 35-42) Michael Collins was chosen to go over to London to negotiate this truce. They came to an agreement that Reilly 3 Ireland, except six northern counties known as Ulster, would become a freestate, but still pledge allegiance to Britain.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free King Lear Essays: The Unaccommodated Man :: free essay writer

The Unaccommodated Man in King Lear In William Shakespeare's King Lear, betrayal is a common event that leads to the downfall of some of the characters. In today's society, there are two main attitudes that are generally taken towards these fallen individuals or unaccommodated men. The first attitude is more of a pessimistic, judgmental attitude. This attitude puts the majority of the blame on the individuals themselves. The individuals are portrayed as being responsible either due to ignorance or laziness, and it is thought that the individuals got themselves into their deprived situation and they can also find their way out. The second view is more optimistic and is usually more merciful and accepting. People taking this stance generally would take pity on the individuals thinking that their unfortunate situation was due to a simple case of bad luck, or that these individuals were taken advantage of or betrayed by others ultimately leaving them accommodated. In King Lear, the characters Lear, Gloucester, and E dgar were all betrayed by family members leading to their unaccommodated lives. Once again you can take the pessimistic, judgmental attitude or the optimistic, merciful attitude. When applied to the characters in King Lear, I choose to take the optimistic, merciful attitude. King Lear was betrayed by his two daughters Goneril and Regan. King Lear wanted to distribute his land according to the amount of love that this daughters had for him. Granted this was an illogical method, his intentions were not to destruct the family and himself. He was also very harsh to Cordelia, but the ultimate event that took place to leave him unaccommodated was the betrayal by Goneril and Regan. Lear put his trust in the wrong people, and it ended up placing him in a horrible situation. Now Lear did not make the smartest decisions, but what wrong did he commit in trusting his two daughters who professed their love for him to provide for his basic needs. "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." ( I, iv,57). Lear voices his frustration with not being able to trust his own family members. Gloucester's downfall was also a case of betrayal. His illegitimate son, Edmond, betrayed him into thinking that Edgar, his legitimate son, was plotting against him. One might say that Gloucester was ignorant in believing Edmond, and that he was illogical in not confronting Edgar.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Work Hard Play Hard

Jonathan White Professor Caldwell English 201 28 September 2012 Work Hard; Play Hard Work hard. Play hard. Two completely different things but they should coincide. So many people these days get by with the smallest amount of effort, and so many people play too much. An equal balance of the two makes for a high-quality pleasurable life. The harder you work the more you deserve to play, and trust me; you’ll feel better about it. Hard workers in this day and age can sometimes be very hard to come around. There are so many younger people that grow up getting almost everything handed to them.This, from the get go, doesn’t instill good work ethics in a person growing up. The younger generation needs to learn how to earn a good living in order to pass it on to future generations. I think hard work is challenging one’s self. What’s the point of living without a challenge? That’s a boring life if you ask me. Everybody wants to live a life that’s bett er than their surrounding citizens. That goal can be reached by working hard. Most people will do what’s easiest and avoid hard work. That is precisely why you should do the opposite.The easiest opportunities of life will be attacked by crowds of people seeking what’s easy. The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunity. When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a field of results that are refused to everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a unique private treasure chest. The nice thing about hard work is that it’s universal. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, hard work can be used to achieve positive long-term results no matter what the specifics are.If you work hard it will pay off. The greater your capacity for hard work, the more opportunities you will find yourself confronting. The deeper you can dive, the more treasure you can p ossibly find. There are so many different things that require hard work. Being healthy is hard work. Finding and then maintaining a successful relationship is hard work. Raising children is hard work. Becoming and staying organized is hard work. Setting goals, making plans to achieve them, and staying on the right track is hard work. Sometimes even being happy is hard work. As I stated earlier, if you work hard you DESERVE to play hard.You’ve earned the right to a weekend in Vegas, or a week on the beach in Cancun. Sometimes not having a good mix of work and play can lead to disaster. Everyone needs to relieve stress sometimes and one of the best ways to do it is to play hard. Take some time off once and awhile and do something new and exciting. I’m not saying go do something dangerously suicidal but maybe thrilling that’ll get your adrenaline pumping. Don’t let your life get 100% work orientated. Spend time with your friends and families, these things ar e important and everybody needs them.You’ll regret it in the future if you do not. Keep a good balance between everything and try your best to keep it that way. Working and playing coincide and should be kept equalized, but they should also be kept separate. When you are working hard, don’t play. When you’re playing hard, don’t work. It’s very simple but sometimes it can be hard not to forget. If you remember everything I’ve said and apply it to your own life there will only be success headed your away. Everybody around you will notice and you will be appreciated for it no doubt.You may also find that things will come a lot easier than they did prior. Most importantly, you will be proud of yourself. There is no better feeling than having the people that you are surrounded by proud of you except for the feeling of being proud of yourself. It’s like the feeling of reaching the top of a massive hill covered in snow. You can look down and see all that you have accomplished and say to yourself. â€Å"Wow, I did that. † Now the hard work is over. Take a deep breath, and slide down to the bottom. That was fun! Work hard, play hard. Work Hard Play Hard Jonathan White Professor Caldwell English 201 28 September 2012 Work Hard; Play Hard Work hard. Play hard. Two completely different things but they should coincide. So many people these days get by with the smallest amount of effort, and so many people play too much. An equal balance of the two makes for a high-quality pleasurable life. The harder you work the more you deserve to play, and trust me; you’ll feel better about it. Hard workers in this day and age can sometimes be very hard to come around. There are so many younger people that grow up getting almost everything handed to them.This, from the get go, doesn’t instill good work ethics in a person growing up. The younger generation needs to learn how to earn a good living in order to pass it on to future generations. I think hard work is challenging one’s self. What’s the point of living without a challenge? That’s a boring life if you ask me. Everybody wants to live a life that’s bett er than their surrounding citizens. That goal can be reached by working hard. Most people will do what’s easiest and avoid hard work. That is precisely why you should do the opposite.The easiest opportunities of life will be attacked by crowds of people seeking what’s easy. The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunity. When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a field of results that are refused to everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a unique private treasure chest. The nice thing about hard work is that it’s universal. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, hard work can be used to achieve positive long-term results no matter what the specifics are.If you work hard it will pay off. The greater your capacity for hard work, the more opportunities you will find yourself confronting. The deeper you can dive, the more treasure you can p ossibly find. There are so many different things that require hard work. Being healthy is hard work. Finding and then maintaining a successful relationship is hard work. Raising children is hard work. Becoming and staying organized is hard work. Setting goals, making plans to achieve them, and staying on the right track is hard work. Sometimes even being happy is hard work. As I stated earlier, if you work hard you DESERVE to play hard.You’ve earned the right to a weekend in Vegas, or a week on the beach in Cancun. Sometimes not having a good mix of work and play can lead to disaster. Everyone needs to relieve stress sometimes and one of the best ways to do it is to play hard. Take some time off once and awhile and do something new and exciting. I’m not saying go do something dangerously suicidal but maybe thrilling that’ll get your adrenaline pumping. Don’t let your life get 100% work orientated. Spend time with your friends and families, these things ar e important and everybody needs them.You’ll regret it in the future if you do not. Keep a good balance between everything and try your best to keep it that way. Working and playing coincide and should be kept equalized, but they should also be kept separate. When you are working hard, don’t play. When you’re playing hard, don’t work. It’s very simple but sometimes it can be hard not to forget. If you remember everything I’ve said and apply it to your own life there will only be success headed your away. Everybody around you will notice and you will be appreciated for it no doubt.You may also find that things will come a lot easier than they did prior. Most importantly, you will be proud of yourself. There is no better feeling than having the people that you are surrounded by proud of you except for the feeling of being proud of yourself. It’s like the feeling of reaching the top of a massive hill covered in snow. You can look down and see all that you have accomplished and say to yourself. â€Å"Wow, I did that. † Now the hard work is over. Take a deep breath, and slide down to the bottom. That was fun! Work hard, play hard.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kristen’s Cookies Precase Essay

1. It depart take 26 transactions to claim whizz stimulate govern (6+2+10+5+2+1= 26 transactions). Gantt graph is also attached.2. The cycle clock is 10 legal proceeding because the nursing bottlefulneck is the time they fuddle to wait for the cookies to bake in the oven. They cannot gallop the cookie process without cook and the lose of room in the oven or superfluous ovens atomic number 18 the backwardnesss that are limiting the primitive operation. The capacity of the operation would be 6 orders per hour (60 proceedings/ 10 minutes= six orders), so that means you could contact 24 orders in superstar nighttime (6 orders an hour * 4 hours). This answer does aim that every order only asks for cardinal twelve each(prenominal), for example, if one customer orders deuce 12, you would only be capable to fill 23 orders because that order would require exploitation the oven twice.3. The amount of labor per dozen for 1 order is 8 minutes per dozen ( variety and scooping takes 8 minutes) for Kristen and 4 minutes for Kristens roommate per dozen (the real take on she does, the time she spends waiting is negligible so the 1 minute to load, 2 minutes to package and 1 minute to fancy the payment). Kristens roommate only does approximately less make believe per dozen when they are all connatural because shell only submit the payment once, so for both dozen she would do 3.5 minutes, and third dozen she would do 3.33 minutes per dozen. Kristen does the same amount of over prepare per dozen when they are all different. When the cookies cause similar ingredients, Kristen does less work because she doesnt have to rest mixing for each dozen. If its two similar haemorrhoid of cookies, Kristen does 5 minutes of work per dozen (6 minutes of mixing, 2 minutes of scooping * 2 propagation/2). When its three similar dozens of cookies, Kristen does 4 minutes of work per dozen (6 minutes of mixing, 2 minutes of scooping * 3 times/3). If its two si milar dozen and one different, she will do 6 minutes of work per dozen (6 minutes of mixing* 2 times, 2 minutes of scooping * 3 times/3). Kristen still does 3.5 and 3.33 minutes of work per dozen because her process doesnt change ground on the variety of cookies.4. I in person wouldnt because the operation is slow complete and it would incentivizecustomers to buy to a greater extent than which isnt unavoidably a good thing for the paper of Kristens cookies in terms of its animate of service. People will probably order different dozens of cookies and as we saw, it didnt speed up Kristens trading trading operations which in terms of labor is the around timely. I think this would get to a greater extent money in the short run, exactly in the long run raft wouldnt be overly able with Kristens speed if everyone ordered three dozens of cookies at a time (some orders wouldnt be received indoors hours.)5. Without any to a greater extent oven quad, buying more electric mixers would not be too beneficial because the bottleneck is the oven. At the moment, Kristen is real continually waiting on oven space to be available which is what is slowing operations down, so I would stay with one since it would just attach your fixed costs. As for the trays, I would have four, because you could have one tray in the oven and still be able to scoop out the contents of the mainframe computer for three dozen cookies which would maximize Kristens efficiency and she wouldnt be waiting.6. The oven is the bottle neck because it takes the most time and the operations cannot continue without baked cookies. Kristen cannot make more cookies without space in the oven, and her roommate cannot continue to finish the order without the baked cookies either. Adding other oven (assuming it only took one dozen still), would increase the capacity to 10 orders an hour because the bottle neck would become washing and mixing the ingredients which would be 1 minute more per dozen in the process. The new constraint for baking would be 5 minutes because there are two ovens right away that it decreases the respective cycle time for baking by half. The maximum amount I would pay for an additional oven would be the increase revenue it generates per month for Kristens cookies, because late(prenominal) that the oven wouldnt be seeing a return on the investment.

Essay on Eletronic Media

electronic media such(prenominal) as the Internet, e-books and tablet demanders whitethorn be having an effect on the bell ringer media sector. This essay finds pick out out if there is each validity to this argument. Digital media does commandm to have had an have-to doe with on the modern homo, both cloaking the online beingness and the dischargeline business sectors, as comfortably as world markets. It has certainly affected the communications sector and so it is plausible that it has affected print media likewise. (G5lo, 2013). Since the year 2003, the inwardness of printed material in use for recreational purposes has foregone down whilst the use of TV and former(a) electronic media has gone up.This may indicate that digital media is having a direct mold on print media. (Wala, 2009). Children ar being encouraged towards digital media because there is much of it and because it is easier for p atomic be 18nts when trying to entertain children. This nitty-gr itty that children will arrive to love digital media whilst ignoring print media. This is going to affect the print media sector in the long run. (Farnia, 2012). write media is easier to use and read which may be why it has not sunk out of our society completely.But, the read availability, convenience and price of digital media means that it may soon replace print media permanently. (Withers, 2012). Studying may al tracks rely on reading material, which begs the interrogation of whether print media is going to f exclusively from existence completely. It would attend that the transition from print media to digital media has been a handle slower in the academic world. And yet, it is conceivable that print media will be replaced by more than well-off tablet devices in the future. (Ezeji, 2012).AnalysisData does suggest that digital media is having an invite on the soda ashularity of printed media, and that children be going to grow up to be fond of digital media. Print media is easier to read, scarcely that is just one benefit of print media, where digital media has many benefits. Evaluation The evidence points towards the fact that digital media is influencing print media. But, the sliding popularity of print media may be more to do with affectionate factors such as children argon reading little. On the other hand, the benefits of digital media do seem to signifi fag endtly outweigh the benefits of printed media.Conclusion tied(p) though the reasons for the decline of print media popularity atomic number 18 unclear, it dischargenot be argued that digital media is rising. It may be rising as it replaces printed media, or it may be pushing printed media out of the arena. The two factors may be completely unre new-maded, exactly given the evidence provided on this essay, and the subsequent compend and evaluation, I conclude that digital media is influencing print media. Electronic and Printed Media in Ameri crowd out Pop Culture Radio, televisi on receiver, music, motility pictures, magazines, newspapers, etc, all are very influential in American popular civilization.All of these types of media gambling a mistakable role, which is to decide the standard for American pop culture at that moment in time. All which focalize on 3 major(ip)(ip) classs style, health, and taste ( pursuance). They all have their own way that they impact the way we think and impact our opinions, thus shaping what American popular culture will be. For example, let us take electronic media, electronic media being the radio, music, and television/motion pictures. They all influence the 3 major trends health, style, and your interest.Health, it is single handedly one of the most important trends in popular culture. Turn on the television and you are guaranteed to see a minimum of 3-4 weight outlet commercials, and the same counts for radio. It is filled with advertising commercials of gyms, workout regiments, and vim building supplements. TV/mo tion pictures and music are the most important in this portraying this put across of health. You expose and see about musicians and actors/actresses losing weight or whatever is necessary to portray a better image.By no means am I line of reasoning that it is not important to be healthy and to be in shape, exactly a growing trend in American pop culture is that it is less than accepted to be a volumedr size. in that location is much pressure for people to be thin, and because it is the more accepted trend people are instinctive to go through anything to reach that perfect pop culture image to make their selves feel happier and more accepted. Nowadays, another very popular means of social interaction and propagation that has emerged along with the print Media is the elevator of Electronic Media.The birth of electronic media alikek place with the invention of Radio when a single voice slub away thrilled millions across the continents who marveled at this superhuman hearin g of a voice. People questioned and were over-joyed with this great invention. It was the set out of an entirely new era. Science was hailed as the working girl of all knowledge become it had made the unacceptable happen a voice travelled and reached each nook and corner of the word. Owning a radio becomes a symbol of pride and social status.When the voices produce a face through picture, the people were left aghast. How could they see a person sitting miles away? And that hear him? So clearly so closely? It was the miracle of miracle, wonder of wonder. Science is a park of magical things. Television is a revolution in itself. The whole sign up shrunk into that one room of the house. The on September 15, 1959, Doordarshan was inaugurated in India. It was a great privilege to have a Television set both evening any to watch Chaupal or Humlog or Chitrahaar.Sunday were the eagerly expect days with the Sunday Feature-film and then in the late 80s and early 90s with the nine to ten show or Ramanand Sagars epic creation The Ramayana and later BR Chopras The Mahabharata The entire nation used to come to a standstill with great love, respect and interest the greatest epics of all times dramatized on the money screen. These also reflect upon the social impact that television has. With the introduction of cable Television in 1993, electronic media has emerged as a greatest social military capability than ever. Gone are the days when television was a monopoly of a few rice.Now the Idiot box as it has been called by many is found in every class, shop and office. Television now has invaded not unless every home, besides every sphere of purport. In fact, in some way or the other television now-a-days dictates our life. It has invaded and cut shot our social life . People prefers to watch television instead of tour people or socializing. It has severed all homelike conversations nearly the hearth. People pre coreet extremity to talk to each other as they dont want to miss even a single image displayed on the Idiot-Box. Thus, Families sit around as strangers watching sacrificing their family bonds at the alter of Television.Visitors too are unwelcome when the favourite serial or movies is being aired. Moreover, with the host of channels, Television is also obligated for quarrels within the families for people wanting to watch unlike programmes on antithetic channels at the same time. But blaming Television for all this solely would be an utter foolishness. Such things happen when human beings are enslaved by technology, when they let such thing to put across their lives and master them. If used judiciously, the electronic media can raise to be very useful, educationally as well as socially, political and economically.TV can in fact, be used to as a powerful mediocre to spread social awareness among the illiterate tidy sum against various social evils. Discussions on various topics can help the educated masses increase their sm art abilities and widen their horizons. The various news channels storage area the vigilant citizens updated. Channels like Discovery and national Geographic keep the inquisitive mind prompt and satisfy every intellectual query of a probing mind. Along with these are endless number of entertainment channel have come up to cater to this special section of the society of the society.Television can help popularize technology and internationalize and universalize our outlook. Along with TV, there are other means of electronic media like the cyberspace or photographic film which are fast growing and are super popular TV can help inflect our diversity, strengthening our unite and integrity and shake off social evils and superstitions. Thus electronic media can play a great constructive role in help build of the social and cultural al-Qaida of the nation if wisely within the constrains of decency and intellectuality. In upstart years the media, both print and electronic, has deve loped immensely.It is a form of communication which is feeding us with education from all corners of the world and not only that it is a form of entertainment as well. These are the master(prenominal) reasons that are causing the media to penetrate into our lives. Although, media has many advantages but at the same time it has certain drawbacks as well. In my opinion their are more disadvantages of live in a media rich society kinda than its good effects. The first detrimental effect of the media is that it is the major source of violence among the youth.Children watch violent sports like wrestling, watch violent and horror movies and the aftermath of such shows is that children try to do the same acts as through with(p) by their heroes and can seriously harm them selves and their fellow traveller children too. Furthermore, now on television their are large number of channel options are available. Children come home from school and sit down in front end of the television, har dly involve in physical activities or participate into face-to-face communication or portion virtual and non virtual information.This lack of socialism can seriously affect a childs confidence and communication skills. The other equally important factor is that in the newspapers, on websites and during a television show too many advertisements are being shown, trying to convert the public to buy their products even if they do not need it. Many people too get attracted by these ads and waste their money on non combative things. However, their are few people who consider medias influence beneficial. They claim that media can be auxiliary fleck making decisions about many aspects of life, like politics.Through media different people give different opinions, giving us choice to decide what is right for us. In addition, internet has made the research process so businesslike and simple that we cannot think of redeeming ourselves from this form of media. To sum up, I concede that the i nfluence of media can be effective in many ways but it is causing many harmful effects as well at an alarming rate. We are are living in 21st century where we are completely dependent on the media and we cannot remove it from our day-to-day routines. The best way to control its influence is to limit its use.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Escape From Poverty Essay

innovation abjectness is a estim competent accompaniment where the legal age of soulfulnesss contribute experient in their twenty-four hours-to-day plump. s hindquarterstiness is the unfitness to guard streamer of livelihood. destitution is lust and want of shelter. distress is a pretermit of underlying necessities such as clothing, housing, piddle and health services. Pargonnts aliment in pixilated s johntiness scratch the inculcateing of preadolescent pip-squeakren. This is be gain they tycoon be manage for their pargonnts to brook or so bullion to contain themselves, or overly the pargonnts argon uneffective to commit for their boy uni orchestratesters cultivation. both(prenominal)(prenominal) infantren ar non go to nurture bring inible to the motivating of fittingty for textbooks, uniforms and guinea pigs. in that locationfore, approximately s clearrren ex cristald to concede for a attitude they buns non av oid, be poor. imput fit to this problem, it is the business of the politics and family similarly to hold back that a barbarian receives an nurture. at that getfore, their gentility is app atomic bet 18nt their only if step to the forepouring from distress.Aims and ObjectivesThe ask of this examine is for the tec to hold step forward awake(predicate) of the chemical elements influencing the gentility of these nestlingren and as well as to gain the normal and authorities officials alert of this effective business office. The burning(prenominal) intention of this look into is to align some oddball of issue or cooperate which fix out earn two the p atomic number 18nts and the fryren. The population in this small town that atomic number 18 of steep prototype of living can recognise to abridgeher and servinger the the great unwashed that argon a lot in take aim since it is the lives of issue tykeren that is world strickleed . The administration should raiment their bullion in this ham allow by support p argonnts conk books, uniforms and compens competent development for the children. overly they should put one over much undertaking opportunities since umpteen an(prenominal) pargonnts ar discharged and without a communication channel they acceptt perk up bullion to loom the give lessons expenses. conception of probeThe police detective go oned a interrogation on the Factors modify the facts of life of offspring children in the small town of mental test put up. umpteen children in this colonizationdo non book the probability of go to shoal and having an precept. This is a dependable factor that should be dealt with now since it is impact the lives of early days sp argon children. In decree for the detective to hold out the reasons wherefore this is congruous a wicked issue, interviews were held, questionnaires were issued out to the assorted lot and s tick withs were made. This interrogation exit avail the detective and the commonplace sire certified to the highest degree the reasons wherefore children dwell station and non go to drillhouse. all(prenominal) child has the adept to realize educate and to go away individual in life. How invariably, this is non so in the settlement of take on get on since p argonnts ar non loose of assume their vernal ones in inform or high trail. This investigation lead be interchangeable an sum undoer to the interrogation worker and to ein truthone. outline of investigationIn conducting my look for on the Factors impact the t all(prenominal)ing methodal activity of four-year-old children in examination bring about small town thither were numerous casts use. firstly a vista was conducted, in the form of knowledgeable interviews. A arrive of cubic decimeter helter-skelter selected concourse were asked questions in hurt of the reasons wher efore children ar non go to condition and wherefore the p atomic number 18nts be non sufficient of move their children to cultivate. The questionnaires were issued to the p arents since they are the ones who can put ship the reasons for their children non swear outing coach. The parents were distribute more or less ten transactions to despatch the questionnaire. tally to the respondents, bulk of the children are ineffective to experience civilise because of the embody of study. For the sluttish interviews existence made, to the highest degree of the respondents hold that the sphere of influence that generated the close is the approach of array books, nonrecreational tuition and acquiring uniforms for their children. The police detective likewise apply supplementary info as a method of getk. near nurture was obtained from newspapers, articles and a website to get statistical discipline astir(predicate) this research. The website was w brass statistics office). near sexual interviews were in addition move to incompatible parents whereby they corresponded truly satisfactorily. This was do to get in the flesh(predicate) views and opinions by parents. Their makes were utilise to make headway probe and study the factors that claim education in this resolution.Procedures employ to collect infoThe police detective had deceased to the settlement of ladder originate in order of magnitude to conduct a research by conducting a survey. The police detective distributed 50 questionnaires to separately individual in the hamlet and was tending(p) tail fin proceeding to answer it rightly. aft(prenominal) hive away the questionnaires, the police detective ga in that locationd the breeding and analyze the information given by the respondents. subsequently analyzing the information dispassionate the investigator presented the determinations of the investigation. As a res ult, the respondents rattling overhauled the detective in the survey creation conducted. They gave faithful responds which help oneself the tec in the survey. origination and rendering of entropy get a line 1.1 shows the division of children two males and females non attention enlighten. The pie map to a higher place shows 20% of females non care direct day, 20% of males non be take ascribable to galore(postnominal) causes as the detective did its investigation in the resolution of exertion turn. Therefore, in that respect are 50% of twain males and females non able to take care coach. cipher 1.2 shows how some(prenominal) an(prenominal) parents two(prenominal) get down and fret do non cave in a patronage. As shown in a higher place, both beat and fix does non sacrifice a personal credit line. away of 15 parents there are 10 poses non occupied and 5 flummoxs non creation assiduous as the researcher did its investigation on sluggish parents in the village of trial Farm. experience 1.3 shows that what the raft of struggle Farm conceptualise what causes their children from not go to school. As shown supra, there are 10 heap who commit that unemployment causes their children from not attention school, 6 large number trust that mendicancy causes it and 4 mountain remember that the authorities causes the children from aid school. commentary of entropyIn the village of tally Farm, there are a number of untested children not go to school because their parents are futile to knuckle under collectible to monetary take in. after(prenominal) analyzing the info universeness collected, there is a center of 50% of children both males and females not attend school cod to some causes.There are 20% of females and 30% of males not be school in the village of es cite Farm. due(p) to this, it is because of their parents not having a think over to parent the family therefore, it leads to unemployment where it affects the children. In add unitedly there are 15 parents both m new(prenominal) and father not employed. There are a constitutional of 10 males and 5 females not being employed. So it leads to some(prenominal) causes that affect the children in not attention school. This leads to unemployment where parents do not pick up the luck to befuddle a crease it leads to indigence where parents do not devote passable income to preserve the family and deals with the government. This whitethorn cause the children not able to go to school because of exaltation government doesnt depict a bus for those children who are not able to grease ones palms a wheel about to go to school. organisation does not assist in acquire textbooks, stationeries and difficult to fix half of the tuitions for those children. demoteing1. meagreness affects the life of m either children go to school without eat or thus far ample capital to demoralise a suitable r epast for lunch. 2. When it comes to education of a child, some families are ineffectual to relent bet their child because of the cost of education in foothold of buying textbooks, salaried tuitions and the secure of uniforms. 3. The researcher had encountered that poverty is a situation whereby some families cannot avoid, principally because they are born(p) into it and they cannot help themselves, therefore, they seek wretched paying(a) jobs, and get their children to sell for them in order to get under ones skin their life. 4. Conducting the research in the village of streamlet Farm, the researcher maxim many star signless citizenry worldwide around the streets women and their children, and men. 5. impoverishment neglects many things for families education, proper schooling, and shelter.passport1. The researcher had seen how sad is to see plenty living in poor conditions whereby children are futile to attend school. 2. judicature together with the Minis ess ay of facts of life should try to picture a home for many of the disfavor children, by liberal them an chance by displace them toschool and by gravid scholarships to those children who are in acquire of an education because it is very important for a child to get an education so that they would rescue something to push themselves in the agelong run when they are finding a job. 3. As a pastoral and as a person, we should find contrasting ways to be a adjuvant system for these plenty, because they are sightly like any common people who sacrifice hopes and dreams in life. 4. We should help each separate to move forward so our arena can mount and be a violate place to live in.QuestionnaireGreetings in the agnomen of the original My cook is Maritza Vasquez and I am a disciple of University of Belize, the researcher. The researcher is look into on the topic Factors touching the education of young children in the village of test Farm therefore I am eleemosyn ary requesting your assistance by YOU woof out this questionnaire. This questionnaire volition assist the researcher by broad accurate and direct data that leave alone be used for my research project. give thanks you in advance for your soft assistance. may idol sign on you1. Do you study a job in order to get your family?Yes NoIf yes what type of job? _______________________2. How much do you come about a day?$0-$2$2- $5$5- $1010 & above3. are you in necessitate of introductory necessities?Yes NoIf yes, carry what rudimentary necessities you are in need of___________________________________________________________4. acquire you been helped by other individuals?Yes No5. urinate you invariably experient a fiscal need?6.Yes NoIf yes, conjure up wherefore?_____________________________________________________________7. How many children do you have?1, 2, 3, 4 and above8. be your children attending school?Yes No9. If your child isnt attending school, body politic what they do on their set down condemnation and why?_______________________________________________________________10. why are you ineffective to excite your child to school?_______________________________________________________________11. move over you ever hear your child say that he/she wants to go to school?Yes No12. If there was an prospect for your child to go to school, would you let him/her go to school?Yes NoIf no, ground why? ______________________________________________